Ayurvedic Health Coaching ~ Yoga
The habits of JOY
What are the habits of the optimal you? Let’s start by clarifying.
The habits, or daily routines, I teach aren’t the definition of the optimal you. They are simple automations that check off the boxes in the self-care department.
Physical wellbeing – ✅
Mental wellbeing –  ✅
Emotional wellbeing – ✅
It’s what happens AFTER you automate these routines that the doors swing wide open, and you have this awesome opportunity to be on the journey to an optimal, present, open, positive, creative, joyful, fulfilled, empowered, present YOU.
Cool…so, how does it work?
Journey to an Optimal You is a one-year coaching program in understanding your body, mind, and emotions. It’s like getting a one-year college education, except the payoff is way higher!

The results are a healthier, happier, more vibrant, and thriving you.
It’s broken down like this:
  • Ten Habits – Daily routines based in the ancient traditions of Ayurvedic health and wellness, adapted for our modern, busy lifestyles. There are many ways to check off each of the daily habits. You'll learn the micro habits within each of them. You can start with just one thing and add on when you’re ready. If you aim for a 1% improvement every day, the result will be a 37% change in just one trip around the sun.
  • Four Rounds – We give laser focus to each of the habits for one week, and repeat all ten habits four times.
    • Learn the habit
    • As Aristotle wrote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.”
What gets repeated gets remembered, and the more we repeat something, the more it defines who we are. I call it the “Learn It, Know It, Be It” experience. During each round of the habits, we meet weekly via web conference and do the growth work together.
The habits are the foundation of the program, AND there’s so much more that supports your evolution:
  • Reflective worksheets
  • Tracking templates
  • Visualization exercises
  • Drawing exercises
  • Gratitude practices
  • One-on-one laser coaching calls with me
  • Free access to all JOY workshops for you and a friend
  • And of course, the most important part, Group Accountability. Making changes along with a group of peers is imperative to success. I feel so blessed every single time I interact with a tribe member. Supportive, forward-thinking, celebratory. It’s like…it’s like just being around all of your very best friends, and realizing you never really knew what friendship should look like.

About Alissa

With over 20 years experience in wellness, I help women clarify their goals and guide them to feel more vibrant, radiant, and youthful every day--no matter how many trips they've taken around the sun.

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My experience with Alissa was life changing. She is so inspirational, supportive and an amazing teacher. I learned so much in a short amount of time and was able to make reasonable changes that fit with my lifestyle.

Life has been extra stressful lately for everyone, and Alissa has helped me take care of myself and stay focused on building better habits and habit stacking.

The weekly calls with Alissa and the group brighten my day and are a highlight of my week.

She is a role model and helps me see that change is possible for everyone.

— Cristina 
These habits have opened a whole new level of health for me! I feel younger now than I felt in my 20's, my focus is incredible, I burst forth with creativity, and I am loving life to the max!

It is so incredible to wake up each day at 5ish in the morning, revving to go, counting my blessings and ready to tackle the day with vigor and enthusiasm. I dare not think how my life would have panned out without them!

Living and practicing the habits has not only shifted my health physically and emotionally, but also the quality of life for my whole family.

What has been really remarkable has been making the changes in really subtle ways. It helped me not only let go of perfectionism and break free of old self-shaming tendencies, but also to create very sustainable changes in my habits. I have more energy, I've lost weight, my sleep has improved, and I'm generally just happier.

My husband has gradually implemented may of the habit and has also noticed huge positive shifts in his energy and digestion. After watching us make these changes, our college-age son is now asking about the habits and wanting to learn more!

— Patty H


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Alissa Xander Wellness